Application Programming Interface

The generic function package provides means to define generic functions and multi-methods. Additionally classes are provided that enable the user to implement nearly all of Python’s special methods as multi-methods.

Basic Usage

One can define generic functions are generics and multi-methods with Python`s special method support with juts two decorator functions and optionally one decorator method.

Defining Generic Functions

Generic functions must be defined with the generic()-function.


Create a generic function with a default implementation provided by default_function.


default_function (callable_object) – The generic’s default implementation.

The generic’s name and docstring are taken from the default_function.

Specialisations for different call signatures can be added with the method() and <generic>.method() decorators.


callable_object can be a function or a type (a new style class).

For example the generic foo()’s default implemenations just answers the arguments passed as a tuple:

>>> from gf import generic
>>> @generic
... def foo(*arguments):
...     """Answers its arguments."""
...     return arguments

foo() can be called just like an ordinary function.

>>> foo(1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3)

Create an unnamed generic function with no default function and no implementation.

Defining a generic function in this way has the same effect as defining a generic function with a default function that raises a NotImplementedError.

This form is the simplest way to define a generic:

>>> bar = generic()

If this generic function is called a NotImplementedError is raised:

>>> bar("Hello", "World")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s): builtins.str, builtins.str


The name is added later when the first multi-method is added with method().


Create a generic function with a name and no default implementation.


name (str) – The generic’s name accessible with the __name__ attribute.

If you define bar() in this way, a NotImplementedError raised will contain the generics name:

>>> bar = generic("bar")
>>> bar("Hello", "World")
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic 'bar' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.str, builtins.str

The docstring however is still None:

>>> print(bar.__doc__)
gf.generic(name, doc)

Create a generic function with a name and a docstring, but no default implementation.

  • name (str) – The generic’s name accessible with the .__name__ attribute.

  • doc (str) – The generic’s docstring accessible with the .__doc__ attribute.

>>> bar = generic("bar", "A silly generic function for demonstration purposes")

The generic now also has a docstring:

>>> print(bar.__doc__)
A silly generic function for demonstration purposes

Adding Multi-Methods

Multi-methods can be added to a generic function with the method()-function

or the <generic>.method() method.


Add a multi-method for the types given in the implementation_functions type hints to the generic decorated.


implementation_function (FunctionType) – The function implementing the multi-method.

A multi-method specialising the foo() generic for two integers can be added as such:

>>> from gf import method
>>> @method()
... def foo(i0: int, i1: int):
...     return i0 + i1

This makes foo() answer 3 for the following call:

>>> foo(1, 2)

As you can see the types to dispatch on are defined using type hints as defined by PEP 484. This contrasts with the Python 2 version of GF, where types have to be passed as arguments to the decorator.


The generic function the multi-method is added to, must be defined in the multi-method’s implementation function’s global name-space.

If this is not the case use the <generic>.method() decorator.


Add a multi-method with a variable number of arguments to the generic decorated.


implementation_function (FunctionType) – The function implementing the multi-method.

This does essentially the same as method(), but accepts additional arguments to ones the specified by the parameter annotations. This is done by virtually adding an infinite set of of method defintions with the type object used for the additional arguments.

This decorator can be used to implement functions like this:

def varfun1(tc: TC, *arguments):
    return (tc,) + tuple(reversed(arguments))

This function can be called like this:

varfun1(to, "a", "b", "c")

and behaves in this case like being defined as:

def varfun1(tc: TC, o1: object, o2: object: o3: object, o4: object):
    return (tc,) + (o4, o3, o2, o1)

Overlaps of variadic method definitions with non-variadic method definitions are always resolved towards the non-variadic method with the explicitly specified types.


Directly define a multi-method.


implementation_function (FunctionType) – The function implementing the multi-method.

<generic> needs not to be available in the implementation function’s name-space. Additionally implementation_function can have a different name than the generic. The later leads to defining an alias of the generic function.

For example a multi-method also available as bar can be defined as such:

>>> @foo.method()
... def foobar(a_string: str):
...     return "<%s>" % a_string

With this definition one can either call foo() with a string as follows:

>>> foo("Hi")

Or foobar():

>>> foobar("Hi")

Directly define a multi-method with a variable number of arguments.


implementation_function (FunctionType) – The function implementing the multi-method.

This decorator is the variadic variant of <generic>.method().

Advanced Usage

The follows section describe advanced uses cases of gf.

Calling Other Multi-Methods of The Same Generic

gf implements two ways to calls other methods of the same generic.

New Style of super Calls

The new way of calling other methods with the same arity of the same generic (mis)uses the built-in super type.

super can be used to define foo() for integers:

>>> @method()
... def foo(an_integer: int):
...     return foo(super(str, str(an_integer)))

Calling foo() with an integer now works as expected:

>>> foo(42)

Old Style of super Calls


This way of calling other methods of a generic function is deprecated.

As it is sometimes necessary with ordinary single dispatch methods to call methods defined in a base class, it it is sometimes necessary to reuse other implementations of a generic. For this purpose the generic has super()-method.

Deprecated since version 0.2.

  • types (type) – An optionally empty list of built-in types or new-style classes.

  • arguments – An optionally empty list of Python objects.

Directly retrieve and call the multi-method that implements the generic’s functionally for types.

One can add a (silly) implementation for string objects to foo() like this:

>>> @method()
... def foo(an_integer: int):
...     return foo.super(str)(an_integer)

With this definition the generic’s default implementation will be called for float-objects:

>>> foo(42.0)

While calling foo() with an integer yields a formatted string:

>>> foo(42)


It is not checked whether the arguments passed are actually instances of types. This is consistent with Python’s notion of duck typing.

Dispatch on Instances

Since version 0.2 gf’s default dispatch algorithm dispatches on single instances, too:

>>> silly = generic('silly')
>>> @method()
... def silly(bla: str):
...     return '<S|' + bla + '|S>'

Thus we can call silly() with a string:

>>> silly('Hello')

But we can also define silly() for two integers:

>>> @method()
... def silly(hitchhiker: 42, star_trek: 47):
...     return 'Bingo'

Now we can call silly() with exactly the right numbers:

>>> silly(42, 47)

But calling silly with others fails like this:

>>> silly(21, 21)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic 'silly' has no implementation for type(s):,

The old behavior can be achieved by using the dispatch type Dispatch.ON_CLASS.

>>> from gf import Dispatch
>>> even_sillier = generic(Dispatch.ON_CLASS)
>>> @method()
... def even_sillier(bla: str):
...     return '<SS|' + bla + '|SS>'

Thus we can call even_sillier() with a string:

>>> even_sillier('Hello')

But we can’t define even_sillier() for two integers:

>>> @method()
... def even_sillier(hitchhiker: 42, star_trek: 47):
...     return 'Bingo'
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Can't dispatch on instances in state: Dispatch.ON_CLASS


The enumeration Dispatch also has the option ON_OBJECT, which is the new default for generic functions.


Since release 0.2 gf has some means to define the equivalent of a class function with generic functions. This capability is defined on a per generic() basis and not – as one might expect – on a per method() basis.

The following example will explain this feature:

>>> cm = generic(
...     'cm',
...     """A class method (sort of)""",

One now can add methods to cm() that dispatch on the class passed:

>>> @method()
... def cm(integer: int):
...     return 'Integer'
>>> @method()
... def cm(string: str):
...     return 'String'

This way we can dispatch on classes like:

>>> cm(int)
>>> cm(str)
>>> cm(1)
>>> cm('Sepp')

With the same dispatch type it is also possible to dispatch on instances:

>>> @method()
... def cm(wow: 42):
...     return 'Jackpot'
>>> cm(42)
>>> cm(4711)

The normal – and also the pre version 0.2 – behavior is to dispatch on the type of an instance only:

>>> im = generic(
...     'im',
...     """An instance method""",
...     Dispatch.ON_OBJECT)

One now can add methods to im() that dispatch on the class of an instance passed as argument:

>>> @method()
... def im(integer: int):
...     return 'Integer'
>>> @method()
... def im(string: str):
...     return 'String'

But we can’t dispatch on class arguments:

>>> im(int)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic 'im' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.type
>>> im(str)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic 'im' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.type
>>> im(1)
>>> im('Sepp')

Since the type of class is type we can write one method to dispatch on all classes:

>>> @method()
... def im(cls: type):
...     return 'Class'

and get at least:

>>> im(int)
>>> im(str)

As mentioned above, it is also possible to dispatch on instances with the default dispatch type Dispatch.ON_OBJECT:

>>> @method()
... def im(wow: 42):
...     return 'Oh Baby'
>>> im(42)
'Oh Baby'
>>> im(4711)

Merging Generics

Two generic functions can merged into one generic function with the help of the merge() function like this 1:

>>> g_one = generic()
>>> @method()
... def g_one(a: 1):
...     return 'one'
>>> g_two = generic()
>>> @method()
... def g_two(a: 2):
...     return 'two'

Both can be called with mixed results:

>>> g_one(1)
>>> g_two(2)
>>> g_one(2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s):
>>> g_two(1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s):

Both generics can be merged into one generic by using the generic function merge():

>>> from gf import merge
>>> g_both = merge(g_one, g_two)
>>> g_both(1)
>>> g_both(2)

Testing For Being a Generic Function

If the need arises one can test any object for being a generic function with the help of the isgeneric() generic function

>>> from gf import isgeneric
>>> isgeneric(0)
>>> isgeneric(object)
>>> isgeneric(g_one)
>>> isgeneric(g_both)
>>> isgeneric(isgeneric)
>>> isgeneric(generic)

The Implementation Class

Behind the function generated by generic() there is ordinary Python class. This Python class can be access with the get_implementation() generic function like this:

>>> from gf import get_implementation
>>> get_implementation(g_one)
<gf.base.GenericFunction object at ...>

Of course it is also possible to provide a different implementation class when creating a generic function 2:

>>> from gf.base import GenericFunction
>>> class TracingGenericFunction(GenericFunction):
...    def __call__(self, *args):
...        print('Calling %r with %r' % (, args))
...        return super().__call__(*args)

A generic function with the new implementation can be generated like this:

>>> from gf.base import _generic
>>> tg = _generic(
...     name='tg',
...     implementation_constructor=TracingGenericFunction)
>>> get_implementation(tg)
<TracingGenericFunction object at ...>
>>> @method()
... def tg(a: int, b: int):
...     return a ** b

It can be invoked in the usual way:

>>> tg(2, 4)
Calling 'tg' with (2, 4)

For easier use of those traced generics, on should define a convenience function like this:

>>> tracing_generic = generic('tracing_generic')
>>> @method()
... def tracing_generic(name:str):
...     return _generic(
...             name=name,
...             implementation_constructor=TracingGenericFunction)

With this generic function 3 one could define tg() much easier like this:

>>> tg = tracing_generic('tg')
>>> @method()
... def tg(a: int, b: int):
...     return a ** b

Calling the tg() works like mentioned above:

>>> tg(2, 6)
Calling 'tg' with (2, 6)

The Generic Object-Library

The gf-package also provides an abstract base class called gf.AbstractObject and class called gf.Object.

Both classes map nearly all of Python’s special methods to generic functions.

There is also a Writer-class and some convenience and helper generics like as_string(), spy(), __out__() and __spy__().

The implementation of the aforementioned objects is contained in the gf.go, but the objects are also available for direct import from gf.

The following text is generated from the docstring in gf.go.

class gf.go.AbstractObject(*arguments)[source]

An abstract (mixin) class that maps all the python magic functions to generics.


Same as abs(a).

Calls the __abs__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a + b.

Calls the __add__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a & b.

Calls the __and__()-generic with its arguments.


Call the __call__() generic function.


Same as a + b, for a and b sequences.

Calls the __concat__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as b in a (note reversed operands).

Calls the __contains__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as del a[b].

Calls the __delitem__()-generic with its arguments.


Return the tuple (x//y, x%y). Invariant: div*y + mod == x.

Calls the __divmod__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a == b.

Calls the __eq__()-generic with its arguments.


Convert the object to a float by calling the __float__() generic.


Same as a // b.

Calls the __floordiv__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a >= b.

Calls the __ge__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a[b].

Calls the __getitem__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a > b.

Calls the __gt__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a += b.

Calls the __iadd__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a &= b.

Calls the __iand__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a += b, for a and b sequences.

Calls the __iconcat__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a //= b.

Calls the __ifloordiv__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a <<= b.

Calls the __ilshift__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a @= b.

Calls the __imatmul__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a %= b.

Calls the __imod__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a *= b.

Calls the __imul__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a.__index__()

Calls the __index__()-generic with its arguments.


Call the __init__() generic function.


Convert the object to an int by calling the __int__() generic.


Same as ~a.

Calls the __inv__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as ~a.

Calls the __invert__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a |= b.

Calls the __ior__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a **= b.

Calls the __ipow__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a >>= b.

Calls the __irshift__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a -= b.

Calls the __isub__()-generic with its arguments.


iter(iterable) -> iterator iter(callable, sentinel) -> iterator

Get an iterator from an object. In the first form, the argument must supply its own iterator, or be a sequence. In the second form, the callable is called until it returns the sentinel.

Calls the __iter__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a /= b.

Calls the __itruediv__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a ^= b.

Calls the __ixor__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a <= b.

Calls the __le__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a << b.

Calls the __lshift__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a < b.

Calls the __lt__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a @ b.

Calls the __matmul__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a % b.

Calls the __mod__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a * b.

Calls the __mul__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a != b.

Calls the __ne__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as -a.

Calls the __neg__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as not a.

Calls the __not__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a | b.

Calls the __or__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as +a.

Calls the __pos__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a ** b.

Calls the __pow__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a + b.

Calls the __add__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a & b.

Calls the __and__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Return the tuple (x//y, x%y). Invariant: div*y + mod == x.

Calls the __divmod__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Answer the objects debug-string by calling spy().


Same as a // b.

Calls the __floordiv__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a << b.

Calls the __lshift__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a % b.

Calls the __mod__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a * b.

Calls the __mul__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a | b.

Calls the __or__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a ** b.

Calls the __pow__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a >> b.

Calls the __rshift__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a >> b.

Calls the __rshift__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a - b.

Calls the __sub__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a / b.

Calls the __truediv__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a ^ b.

Calls the __xor__()-generic with its arguments reversed.


Same as a[b] = c.

Calls the __setitem__()-generic with its arguments.


Answer the objects print-string by calling as_string().


Same as a - b.

Calls the __sub__()-generic with its arguments.


Same as a / b.

Calls the __truediv__()-generic with its arguments.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Same as a ^ b.

Calls the __xor__()-generic with its arguments.

class gf.go.CSep[source]

A conditional separator

class gf.go.FinalizingMixin[source]

A mixin class with __del__ implemented as a generic function.


This functionality was separated into mixin class, because Python’s cycle garbage collector does not collect classes with a __del__() method. Inherit from this class if you really need __del__().


Call the __del__() generic function.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class gf.go.IndentingWriter(*arguments)[source]

A writer that maintains a stack of indents.

class gf.go.Object(*arguments)[source]

Just like AbstractObject, but can be instantiated.

class gf.go.Writer(*arguments)[source]

A simple wrapper around a file like object.

Writer’s purpose is to simplify the implementation of the generics __out__() and __spy__().

Writer instances are initialised either with a file_like object or with no arguments. In the later case ab instance of StringIO is used.

Output is done by simply calling the writer with at least one string object. The first argument acts as a %-template for formating the other arguments.

The class is intended to be sub-classed for formatted output.


Same as abs(a).

Called by the AbstractObject.__abs__() special method.


Same as a + b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__add__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__radd__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__add__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a & b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__and__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rand__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__and__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


__call__() is called when instances of AbstractObject are called.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__call__(writer: Writer)

Write a newline on the file-like object.

gf.go.__call__(writer: Writer, directive: AbstractDirective, *directives)

Only execute directives. This is a variadic method.

gf.go.__call__(writer: Writer, text: str, *arguments)

Write text % arguments on the file-like object. This is a variadic method.


Same as a + b, for a and b sequences.

Called by the AbstractObject.__concat__() special method.


Same as b in a (note reversed operands).

Called by the AbstractObject.__contains__() special method.


__del__() is called when instances of FinalizingMixin are about to be destroyed.


Same as del a[b].

Called by the AbstractObject.__delitem__() special method.


Return the tuple (x//y, x%y). Invariant: div*y + mod == x.

Called by the AbstractObject.__divmod__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rdivmod__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__divmod__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a == b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__eq__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__eq__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Convert an AbstractObject to a float.


Same as a // b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__floordiv__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rfloordiv__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__floordiv__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a >= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ge__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ge__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a[b].

Called by the AbstractObject.__getitem__() special method.


Same as a > b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__gt__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__gt__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a += b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__iadd__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__iadd__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a &= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__iand__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__iand__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a += b, for a and b sequences.

Called by the AbstractObject.__iconcat__() special method.


Same as a //= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ifloordiv__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ifloordiv__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a <<= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ilshift__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ilshift__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a @= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__imatmul__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__imatmul__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a %= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__imod__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__imod__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a *= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__imul__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__imul__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a.__index__()

Called by the AbstractObject.__index__() special method.


__init__() initializes instantiates instances of AbstractObject and it’s subclasses.

It has a multi method for Object. This multi-method does not accept any additional parameters and has no effect. There is no method for AbstractObject, therefore this class can not be instantiated.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__init__(writer: Writer)

Initialize the Write with a StringIO object.

gf.go.__init__(writer: Writer, file_like: object)

Initialize the Write with a file like object.

param file_like

A file-like object.

gf.go.__init__(an_object: Object)

Do nothing for Object.


Convert an AbstractObject to an int.


Same as ~a.

Called by the AbstractObject.__inv__() special method.


Same as ~a.

Called by the AbstractObject.__invert__() special method.


Same as a |= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ior__() special method.


Same as a **= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ipow__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ipow__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a >>= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__irshift__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__irshift__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a -= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__isub__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__isub__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


iter(iterable) -> iterator iter(callable, sentinel) -> iterator

Get an iterator from an object. In the first form, the argument must supply its own iterator, or be a sequence. In the second form, the callable is called until it returns the sentinel.

Called by the AbstractObject.__iter__() special method.


Same as a /= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__itruediv__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__itruediv__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a ^= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ixor__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ixor__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a <= b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__le__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__le__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a << b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__lshift__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rlshift__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__lshift__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a < b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__lt__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__lt__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a @ b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__matmul__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__matmul__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a % b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__mod__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rmod__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__mod__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a * b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__mul__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rmul__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__mul__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a != b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__ne__() special method.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__ne__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as -a.

Called by the AbstractObject.__neg__() special method.


Same as not a.

Called by the AbstractObject.__not__() special method.


Same as a | b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__or__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__ror__() with arguments reversed.


Create a print string of an object using a Writer.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__out__(self: object, write: Writer)

Write a just str() of self.

gf.go.__out__(self: AbstractObject, write: Writer)

Write a just str() of self by directly calling object.__str__().


Same as +a.

Called by the AbstractObject.__pos__() special method.


Same as a ** b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__pow__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rpow__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__pow__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a >> b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__rshift__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rrshift__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__rshift__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a[b] = c.

Called by the AbstractObject.__setitem__() special method.


Create a print string of an object using a Writer.


The function’s name was taken from Prolog’s spy debugging aid.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__spy__(self: object, write: Writer)

Write a just repr() of self.

gf.go.__spy__(self: AbstractObject, write: Writer)

Write a just repr() of self by directly calling object.__repr__().


Same as a - b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__sub__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rsub__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__sub__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a / b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__truediv__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rtruediv__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__truediv__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Same as a ^ b.

Called by the AbstractObject.__xor__() special method. Also called by AbstractObject.__rxor__() with arguments reversed.

Multi methods:

gf.go.__xor__(o0: object, o1: object)

Defaults to not comparable.


Answer an object’s indented string.

This is done by creating a IndentingWriter instance and calling the __out__() generic with the object and the writer. The using Writer.get_text() to retrieve the text written.


Answer an object’s print string.

This is done by creating a Writer instance and calling the __out__() generic with the object and the writer. The using Writer.get_text() to retrieve the text written.


Get the text written so far.

Multi methods:

gf.go.get_text(writer: Writer)

Get the text written so far.


This method is only supported if the file-like object implements StringIO’s getvalue() method.


Restore the current indent from a stack of indents.

Multi methods:

gf.go.pop(writer: Writer, *ignored_arguments)

Pop has, like push, no effect on an ordinary Writer instance. This is a variadic method.

gf.go.pop(writer: IndentingWriter, steps: int)

Pop steps levels of indentation.

gf.go.pop(writer: IndentingWriter)

Pop one level of indentation.


Push the current indent on a stack of indents.

Multi methods:

gf.go.push(writer: Writer, *ignored_arguments)

Push has no effect on an ordinary Writer instance. This is a variadic method.

gf.go.push(writer: IndentingWriter, steps: int)

Push the old indent on the stack and indent.

Indentation is steps times the writer’s indent width.

gf.go.push(writer: IndentingWriter, indent: str)

Indent by using indent.

gf.go.push(writer: IndentingWriter)

Push the old indent and indent one indent width.


Answer an object’s debug string.

This is done by creating a Writer instance and calling the __spy__() generic with the object and the writer. The using Writer.get_text() to retrieve the text written.


The function’s name was taken from Prolog’s spy debugging aid.


This functionality was necessary for one of my own projects, but my be rather useless for ordinary Python projects.


GenericFunction and _generic() are not part of the API and must there fore be imported from gf.base.


To be really useful tracing_generic() should be defined for more types to enable its users to pass documentation-strings, instances of Dispatch and the like.