Application Programming Interface ================================= The generic function package provides means to define generic functions and multi-methods. Additionally classes are provided that enable the user to implement nearly all of Python's special methods as multi-methods. .. module:: gf :synopsis: Provides generic functions, multi-methods and convenience classes Basic Usage ----------- One can define generic functions are generics and multi-methods with Python`s special method support with juts two decorator functions and optionally one decorator method. Defining Generic Functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Generic functions must be defined with the :func:`generic`-function. .. decorator:: generic(default_function) Create a generic function with a default implementation provided by `default_function`. :param callable_object default_function: The generic's default implementation. The generic's name and docstring are taken from the `default_function`. Specialisations for different call signatures can be added with the :func:`method` and :meth:`.method` decorators. .. note:: `callable_object` can be a function or a type (a new style class). For example the generic :func:`foo`'s default implemenations just answers the arguments passed as a tuple: >>> from gf import generic >>> @generic ... def foo(*arguments): ... """Answers its arguments.""" ... return arguments :func:`foo` can be called just like an ordinary function. >>> foo(1, 2, 3) (1, 2, 3) .. function:: generic() Create an unnamed generic function with no default function and no implementation. Defining a generic function in this way has the same effect as defining a generic function with a default function that raises a `NotImplementedError`. This form is the simplest way to define a generic: >>> bar = generic() If this generic function is called a `NotImplementedError` is raised: >>> bar("Hello", "World") Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s): builtins.str, builtins.str .. note:: The name is added later when the first multi-method is added with :func:`method`. .. function:: generic(name) Create a generic function with a name and no default implementation. :param str name: The generic's name accessible with the `__name__` attribute. If you define :func:`bar` in this way, a `NotImplementedError` raised will contain the generics name: >>> bar = generic("bar") >>> bar("Hello", "World") Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic 'bar' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.str, builtins.str The docstring however is still `None`: >>> print(bar.__doc__) None .. function:: generic(name, doc) Create a generic function with a name and a docstring, but no default implementation. :param str name: The generic's name accessible with the `.__name__` attribute. :param str doc: The generic's docstring accessible with the `.__doc__` attribute. >>> bar = generic("bar", "A silly generic function for demonstration purposes") The generic now also has a docstring: >>> print(bar.__doc__) A silly generic function for demonstration purposes Adding Multi-Methods ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multi-methods can be added to a generic function with the :func:`method`-function or the :meth:`.method` method. .. decorator:: method()(implementation_function) Add a multi-method for the types given in the `implementation_function`\s type hints to the generic decorated. :param FunctionType implementation_function: The function implementing the multi-method. A multi-method specialising the :func:`foo` generic for two integers can be added as such: >>> from gf import method >>> @method() ... def foo(i0: int, i1: int): ... return i0 + i1 This makes :func:`foo` answer 3 for the following call: >>> foo(1, 2) 3 As you can see the types to dispatch on are defined using type hints as defined by `PEP 484`_. This contrasts with the `Python 2 version of GF`_, where types have to be `passed as arguments to the decorator`_. .. caution:: The generic function the multi-method is added to, must be defined in the multi-method's implementation function's global name-space. If this is not the case use the :meth:`.method` decorator. .. _PEP 484: .. _Python 2 version of GF: .. _passed as arguments to the decorator: .. decorator:: variadic_method()(implementation_function) Add a multi-method with a variable number of arguments to the generic decorated. :param FunctionType implementation_function: The function implementing the multi-method. This does essentially the same as :func:`method`, but accepts additional arguments to ones the specified by the parameter annotations. This is done by virtually adding an infinite set of of method defintions with the type :class:`object` used for the additional arguments. This decorator can be used to implement functions like this: .. code:: python @variadic_method() def varfun1(tc: TC, *arguments): return (tc,) + tuple(reversed(arguments)) This function can be called like this: .. code:: python varfun1(to, "a", "b", "c") and behaves in this case like being defined as: .. code:: python @method() def varfun1(tc: TC, o1: object, o2: object: o3: object, o4: object): return (tc,) + (o4, o3, o2, o1) Overlaps of variadic method definitions with non-variadic method definitions are always resolved towards the non-variadic method with the explicitly specified types. .. decorator:: .method(implementation_function) Directly define a multi-method. :param FunctionType implementation_function: The function implementing the multi-method. `` needs not to be available in the implementation function's name-space. Additionally `implementation_function` can have a different name than the generic. The later leads to defining an alias of the generic function. For example a multi-method also available as bar can be defined as such: >>> @foo.method() ... def foobar(a_string: str): ... return "<%s>" % a_string With this definition one can either call :func:`foo` with a string as follows: >>> foo("Hi") '' Or :func:`foobar`: >>> foobar("Hi") '' .. decorator:: .variadic_method()(implementation_function) Directly define a multi-method with a variable number of arguments. :param FunctionType implementation_function: The function implementing the multi-method. This decorator is the variadic variant of :func:`.method`. Advanced Usage -------------- The follows section describe advanced uses cases of :mod:`gf`. Calling Other Multi-Methods of The Same Generic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :mod:`gf` implements two ways to calls other methods of the same generic. New Style of :class:`super` Calls ................................. The new way of calling other methods with the same arity of the same generic (mis)uses the built-in :class:`super` type. :class:`super` can be used to define :func:`foo` for integers: >>> @method() ... def foo(an_integer: int): ... return foo(super(str, str(an_integer))) Calling :func:`foo` with an integer now works as expected: >>> foo(42) '<42>' Old Style of :class:`super` Calls ................................. .. note:: This way of calling other methods of a generic function is deprecated. As it is sometimes necessary with ordinary single dispatch methods to call methods defined in a base class, it it is sometimes necessary to reuse other implementations of a generic. For this purpose the generic has :meth:`super`-method. .. deprecated:: 0.2 .. method:: .super(*types)(*arguments) :param type types: An optionally empty list of built-in types or new-style classes. :param arguments: An optionally empty list of Python objects. Directly retrieve and call the multi-method that implements the generic's functionally for `types`. One can add a (silly) implementation for string objects to :meth:`foo` like this: >>> @method() ... def foo(an_integer: int): ... return foo.super(str)(an_integer) With this definition the generic's default implementation will be called for `float`-objects: >>> foo(42.0) (42.0,) While calling :func:`foo` with an integer yields a formatted string: >>> foo(42) '<42>' .. caution:: It is not checked whether the `arguments` passed are actually instances of `types`. This is consistent with Python's notion of duck typing. Dispatch on Instances ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since version 0.2 :mod:`gf`'s default dispatch algorithm dispatches on single instances, too: >>> silly = generic('silly') >>> @method() ... def silly(bla: str): ... return '' Thus we can call :func:`silly` with a string: >>> silly('Hello') '' But we can also define :func:`silly` for two integers: >>> @method() ... def silly(hitchhiker: 42, star_trek: 47): ... return 'Bingo' Now we can call :func:`silly` with exactly the right numbers: >>> silly(42, 47) 'Bingo' But calling silly with others fails like this: >>> silly(21, 21) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic 'silly' has no implementation for type(s):, The old behavior can be achieved by using the dispatch type :attr:`Dispatch.ON_CLASS`. >>> from gf import Dispatch >>> even_sillier = generic(Dispatch.ON_CLASS) >>> @method() ... def even_sillier(bla: str): ... return '' Thus we can call :func:`even_sillier` with a string: >>> even_sillier('Hello') '' But we can't define :func:`even_sillier` for two integers: >>> @method() ... def even_sillier(hitchhiker: 42, star_trek: 47): ... return 'Bingo' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Can't dispatch on instances in state: Dispatch.ON_CLASS .. note:: The enumeration :class:`Dispatch` also has the option :attr:`ON_OBJECT`, which is the new default for generic functions. Class-Generics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since release 0.2 :mod:`gf` has some means to define the equivalent of a class function with generic functions. This capability is defined on a per :func:`generic` basis and not -- as one might expect -- on a per :func:`method` basis. The following example will explain this feature: >>> cm = generic( ... 'cm', ... """A class method (sort of)""", ... Dispatch.ON_OBJECT_AND_CLASS_HIERARCHY) One now can add methods to :func:`cm` that dispatch on the class passed: >>> @method() ... def cm(integer: int): ... return 'Integer' >>> @method() ... def cm(string: str): ... return 'String' This way we can dispatch on classes like: >>> cm(int) 'Integer' >>> cm(str) 'String' >>> cm(1) 'Integer' >>> cm('Sepp') 'String' With the same dispatch type it is also possible to dispatch on instances: >>> @method() ... def cm(wow: 42): ... return 'Jackpot' >>> cm(42) 'Jackpot' >>> cm(4711) 'Integer' The normal -- and also the pre version 0.2 -- behavior is to dispatch on the type of an instance only: >>> im = generic( ... 'im', ... """An instance method""", ... Dispatch.ON_OBJECT) One now can add methods to :func:`im` that dispatch on the class of an instance passed as argument: >>> @method() ... def im(integer: int): ... return 'Integer' >>> @method() ... def im(string: str): ... return 'String' But we can't dispatch on class arguments: >>> im(int) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic 'im' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.type >>> im(str) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic 'im' has no implementation for type(s): builtins.type >>> im(1) 'Integer' >>> im('Sepp') 'String' Since the type of class is :class:`type` we can write one method to dispatch on all classes: >>> @method() ... def im(cls: type): ... return 'Class' and get at least: >>> im(int) 'Class' >>> im(str) 'Class' As mentioned above, it is also possible to dispatch on instances with the default dispatch type :attr:`Dispatch.ON_OBJECT`: >>> @method() ... def im(wow: 42): ... return 'Oh Baby' >>> im(42) 'Oh Baby' >>> im(4711) 'Integer' Merging Generics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two generic functions can merged into one generic function with the help of the :func:`merge` function like this [#]_: >>> g_one = generic() >>> @method() ... def g_one(a: 1): ... return 'one' >>> g_two = generic() >>> @method() ... def g_two(a: 2): ... return 'two' Both can be called with mixed results: >>> g_one(1) 'one' >>> g_two(2) 'two' >>> g_one(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s): >>> g_two(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Generic None has no implementation for type(s): Both generics can be merged into one generic by using the generic function :func:`merge`: >>> from gf import merge >>> g_both = merge(g_one, g_two) >>> g_both(1) 'one' >>> g_both(2) 'two' Testing For Being a Generic Function ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If the need arises one can test any object for being a generic function with the help of the :func:`isgeneric` generic function >>> from gf import isgeneric >>> isgeneric(0) False >>> isgeneric(object) False >>> isgeneric(g_one) True >>> isgeneric(g_both) True >>> isgeneric(isgeneric) True >>> isgeneric(generic) True The Implementation Class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Behind the function generated by :func:`generic` there is ordinary Python class. This Python class can be access with the :func:`get_implementation` generic function like this: >>> from gf import get_implementation >>> get_implementation(g_one) Of course it is also possible to provide a different implementation class when creating a generic function [#]_: >>> from gf.base import GenericFunction >>> class TracingGenericFunction(GenericFunction): ... ... def __call__(self, *args): ... print('Calling %r with %r' % (, args)) ... return super().__call__(*args) A generic function with the new implementation can be generated like this: >>> from gf.base import _generic >>> tg = _generic( ... name='tg', ... implementation_constructor=TracingGenericFunction) >>> get_implementation(tg) >>> @method() ... def tg(a: int, b: int): ... return a ** b It can be invoked in the usual way: >>> tg(2, 4) Calling 'tg' with (2, 4) 16 For easier use of those traced generics, on should define a convenience function like this: >>> tracing_generic = generic('tracing_generic') >>> @method() ... def tracing_generic(name:str): ... return _generic( ... name=name, ... implementation_constructor=TracingGenericFunction) With this generic function [#]_ one could define :func:`tg` much easier like this: >>> tg = tracing_generic('tg') >>> @method() ... def tg(a: int, b: int): ... return a ** b Calling the :func:`tg` works like mentioned above: >>> tg(2, 6) Calling 'tg' with (2, 6) 64 The Generic :class:`Object`-Library ----------------------------------- The :mod:`gf`-package also provides an abstract base class called :class:`gf.AbstractObject` and class called :class:`gf.Object`. Both classes map nearly all of Python's special methods to generic functions. There is also a :class:`Writer`-class and some convenience and helper generics like :func:`as_string`, :func:`spy`, :func:`__out__` and :func:`__spy__`. The implementation of the aforementioned objects is contained in the :mod:`gf.go`, but the objects are also available for direct import from :mod:`gf`. The following text is generated from the docstring in :mod:`gf.go`. .. automodule:: gf.go :members: :special-members: .. [#] This functionality was necessary for one of my own projects, but my be rather useless for ordinary Python projects. .. [#] :class:`GenericFunction` and :func:`_generic` are not part of the API and must there fore be imported from :mod:`gf.base`. .. [#] To be really useful :func:`tracing_generic` should be defined for more types to enable its users to pass documentation-strings, instances of :class:`Dispatch` and the like.