Source code for rational

#!/usr/bin/env python"
"""`rational` an Implementation of Rational Numbers

The module provides rational arithmetic.
Additionally the module servers as example for the generic function package.

Usually you only need its :class:`Rational` class:

>>> from rational import Rational as R

Rational numbers can be constructed from integers:

>>> r2 = R(1, 2)
>>> r1 = R(1)
>>> r0 = R()

Construction from arbitrary objects is not possible:
>>> R("Urmel")  # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: Generic 'gf.go.__init__' has no implementation for type(s): rational.Rational, __builtin__.str

Rationals also have a decent string representation:

>>> r0
>>> print(r0)
>>> r1
>>> print(r1)
>>> r2
Rational(1, 2)
>>> print(r2)
1 / 2

Ordinary arithmetic works as expected:

>>> print(R(1, 2) + R(1, 4))
3 / 4
>>> 1 + R(1, 2)
Rational(3, 2)
>>> print(R(2) / 1000)
1 / 500
>>> print(R(-5,-10))
1 / 2
>>> print(R(5, -10))
-1 / 2
>>> print(-R(5, -10))
1 / 2

Comparison also works as expected:

>>> R(1, 2) == R(2, 4)
>>> R(4, 2) == 2
>>> 1 == R(1, 2)
>>> 3 == R(10, 5)
>>> R(1, 2) < R(3, 4)
>>> R(1, 2) < 1
>>> R(1, 2) < 1
>>> R(1, 2) > R(1, 4)
>>> 1 > R(1, 2)
>>> 2 > R(10, 7)
>>> R(10, 2) >= R(5)
>>> R() != R(1)
>>> R() != 0
>>> 1 != R(1)

The :mod:`decimal` module is supported as well:

>>> from decimal import Decimal as D
>>> R(D("0.375"))
Rational(3, 8)
>>> R(1, 2) + D("1.5")

Even very long decimals do work:

>>> R(D("7.9864829273648218372937") * 4)
Rational(79864829273648218372937, 2500000000000000000000)

Comparisons with :class:`decimal.Decimal` instances are also supported:

>>> D("1.2") == R(24, 20)
>>> D("1.2") >= R(23, 20)
>>> R(23, 20) <= D("1.2")

Rationals can also converted to floats:

>>> float(R(1, 4))

from decimal import Decimal
# Make `gf` importable from the examples directory
_python_path_tweaked = False
while 1:
        from gf import (method, Object,
                __init__, __float__,
                __add__, __sub__, __mul__, __truediv__, __neg__,
                __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __gt__, __le__, __ge__,
                __out__, __spy__, Writer)
    except ImportError:
        if _python_path_tweaked:
            import sys, os
                                os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))))
            _python_path_tweaked = True
            del sys, os

[docs]def gcd(a, b): """:func:`gcd` computes GCD of to numbers.""" while b != 0: a, b = b, a % b return a
[docs]class Rational(Object): """:class:`Rational` is our rational numbers class."""
def f(a: int): pass @method() def __init__(rational: Rational, numerator: int, denominator: int, cancel: bool): """Initialize the object with `numerator` and `denominator`. :param rational: The rational number to be initialized. :param numerator: The numerator. :param denominator: The denominator. :param cancel: A flag indicating, that `numerator`and `denominator` should be canceled. """ if denominator == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError("Denominator can not be zero") if cancel: g = gcd( numerator, denominator ) n = numerator // g d = denominator // g else: n = numerator d = denominator rational.numerator = n rational.denominator = d CANCEL_EAGERLY = True @method() def __init__(rational: Rational, numerator: int, denominator: int): """Initialize the object with `numerator` and `denominator`. :param rational: The rational number to be initialized. :param numerator: The numerator. :param denominator: The denominator. Call :func:`__init__` with all passed arguments and with the value of `CANCEL_EAGERLY` for the `cancel`-flag. """ __init__(rational, numerator, denominator, CANCEL_EAGERLY) @method() def __init__(rational: Rational, numerator: int): """Initialize the object with `numerator`. :param rational: The rational number to be initialized. :param numerator: The numerator. Call :func:`__init__` with the `denominator` set to 1.""" __init__(rational, numerator, 1) @method() def __init__(rational: Rational): """Initialize the object to be 0. :param rational: The rational number to be initialized. Call :func:`__init__` with the `numerator` set to 0.""" __init__(rational, 0) @method() def __init__(rational0: Rational, rational1: Rational): """Initialize the object from another rational. :param rational0: The rational number to be initialized. :param rational1: The rational number the attributes are copied from. """ rational0.numerator = rational1.numerator rational0.denominator = rational1.denominator @method() def __init__(rational0: Rational, rational1: Rational, rational2: Rational): """Initialize the object from another rational. :param rational0: The rational number to be initialized. :param rational1: The rational acting as `numerator.` :param rational2: The rational acting as `denominator.` Call :func:`__init__` with `rational0` as `numerator` and `rational1` / `rational2` as `denominator`.""" __init__(rational0, rational1 // rational2) @method() def __init__(rational: Rational, decimal: Decimal): """Initialize the object from a :class:`decimal.Decimal`. :param rational: The rational number to be initialized. :param decimal: The decimal number the rational is initialized from. If the `decimal`'s exponent is negative compute a scaling denominator 10 ** -exponent and initialise `rational` with the decimal scaled by the denominator and the denominator. In the other case the `decimal` is simply converted to an `int` and used as numerator.""" exponent = decimal.as_tuple().exponent if exponent < 0: denominator = Decimal((0, (1,), -exponent)) __init__(rational, int(decimal * denominator), int(denominator)) else: __init__(rational, int(decimal)) @method() def __float__(rational: Rational): """Convert a rational to a float.""" return float(rational.numerator) / float(rational.denominator) @method() def __out__(rational: Rational, writer: Writer): """Write a nice representation of the rational. Denominators that equal 1 are not printed.""" writer("%d", rational.numerator) if rational.denominator != 1: writer(" / %d", rational.denominator) @method() def __spy__(rational: Rational, writer: Writer): """Write a debug representation of the rational.""" writer("%s(", rational.__class__.__name__) if rational.numerator != 0: writer("%r", rational.numerator) if rational.denominator != 1: writer(", %r", rational.denominator) writer(")") @method() def __add__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Add two rational numbers.""" return Rational(a.numerator * b.denominator + b.numerator * a.denominator, a.denominator * b.denominator) @method() def __add__(a, b: Rational): """Add an object and a rational number. `a` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are added.""" return Rational(a) + b @method() def __add__(a: Rational, b): """Add a rational number and an object. `b` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are added.""" return a + Rational(b) @method() def __sub__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Subtract two rational numbers.""" return Rational(a.numerator * b.denominator - b.numerator * a.denominator, a.denominator * b.denominator) @method() def __sub__(a, b: Rational): """Subtract an object and a rational number. `a` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are subtracted.""" return Rational(a) - b @method() def __sub__(a: Rational, b): """Subtract a rational number and an object. `b` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are subtracted.""" return a - Rational(b) @method() def __mul__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Multiply two rational numbers.""" return Rational(a.numerator * b.numerator, a.denominator * b.denominator) @method() def __mul__(a, b: Rational): """Multiply an object and a rational number. `a` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are multiplied.""" return Rational(a) * b @method() def __mul__(a, b: Rational): """Multiply a rational and an object. `b` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are multiplied.""" return a * Rational(b) @method() def __truediv__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Divide two rational numbers.""" return Rational(a.numerator * b.denominator, a.denominator * b.numerator) @method() def __truediv__(a, b: Rational): """Divide an object and a rational number. `a` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are divided.""" return Rational(a) / b @method() def __truediv__(a: Rational, b): """Divide a rational and an object. `b` is converted to a :class:`Rational` and then both are divided.""" return a / Rational(b) @method() def __neg__(rational: Rational): """Negate a rational number.""" return Rational(-rational.numerator, rational.denominator) @method() def __eq__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Compare to rational numbers for equality.""" return a.numerator == b.numerator and a.denominator == b.denominator @method() def __eq__(a: Rational, b): """Compare a rational numbers and another object for equality.""" return a == Rational(b) @method() def __eq__(a: Rational, b: int): """Compare a rational numbers and an integer for equality. :Note: This is an optimisation for `int`.""" return a.denominator == 1 and a.numerator == b @method() def __ne__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Compare to rational numbers for inequality.""" return a.numerator != b.numerator or a.denominator != b.denominator @method() def __ne__(a: Rational, b): """Compare to rational numbers for inequality.""" return a != Rational(b) @method() def __lt__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Answer `True` if `a` is smaller than `b`.""" return (b - a).numerator > 0 @method() def __lt__(a: Rational, b): """Answer `True` if `a` is smaller than `b`.""" return a < Rational(b) @method() def __le__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Answer `True` if `a` is smaller than or equal `b`.""" return (b - a).numerator >= 0 @method() def __le__(a: Rational, b): """Answer `True` if `a` is smaller than or equal `b`.""" return a <= Rational(b) @method() def __gt__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Answer `True` if `a` is bigger than `b`.""" return (a - b).numerator > 0 @method() def __gt__(a: Rational, b): """Answer `True` if `a` is bigger than `b`.""" return a > Rational(b) @method() def __ge__(a: Rational, b: Rational): """Answer `True` if `a` is bigger or equal than `b`.""" return (a - b).numerator >= 0 @method() def __ge__(a: Rational, b): """Answer `True` if `a` is bigger or equal than `b`.""" return a >= Rational(b) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()